Monday, July 05, 2004

Change of Service

A few weeks ago I was asked to serve the church I attend in a new capacity. I was asked to serve as a member of our Board of Elders for the next couple of years. I do not find such titles very liberating. In fact, for the last couple of weeks I've been "looking over my shoulder" wondering about every movie I rent, every word I say, and every helping of dessert I eat. I'm wondering about how I look, how my actions might be (mis)interpreted, or why someone else wasn't chosen for the position. From not meeting expectations to being too sanctimonious, I wondered what I looked like to others. Obsessing on this kind of stuff is not too good, but I can't just ignore these things because they can be important indicators. How I act can give a peek into my soul and you do want someone of good character in the position of Elder (1Pet 5:1-4). So why do I say yes to this chaos of uneasy feelings (hopefully short lived) and choose to serve in an expanded capacity?

Three things persuaded me to say yes to this service despite the uneasy onslaught. First and foremost was the definite feeling that the Holy Spirit was telling me to say yes and the definite knowledge that He was going to be unhappy if I said no despite my feelings of inadequacy. The second thing that compelled me to say yes is related to the first. Though His son, I am a steward to the Lord and the Master has called and given me new duties. Who am I to say no, as I am His servant. Although I have my weaknesses, it is His grace that is sufficient (2Cor 12:9) and this will be enough for me.

The third thing that persuaded me was my wife. She has been encouraging and supportive of this event even though she has several chronic and debilitating illnesses. Even though she would not be actively involved with the Board of Elders, without her support I would have declined the position. I have no illusions, she is my better half. God has used her as a crucible for my character. Learning to be with her through her suffering (twenty plus years) is one of the most instrumental lessons of my Christian life. She is very loyal, brave and loving. Yet, her biggest gift to me has been the opportunity (grace) to teach me how to grow a loving relationship through and in spite of suffering. I have learned to be a better servant of Christ because of her.

This decision has brought me through a storm of reasoning, emotional chaos, and prayer. After all is said and done, I stand resolved with this hope and prayer, to humbly and lovingly serve the Body of Christ (Luke 17:10).

Your Brother in Christ,

David C.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Jon Reid said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger David Cutler said...

Thanks Jon for your support. Your response made me laugh till I had tears... so much for me being sanctimonious. I am excited to explore this new territory God has placed before me. We'll see where the boundries are.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger David Cutler said...

Jon, I can't figure this out. Somehow I must have accidently deleted your comment and then my lost response shows up several days later. Sorry.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Zorina Seva said...

Uhh, is that why it says "this blog has been removed by admin" or something?

I was about to laugh at that! (I thought, how amusing that Jon would post that!) :P



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