Change What?
I had a lunch with an old friend today. After we were done eating, I asked him this question, "would Christians behave the same in this country if they behaved more like missionaries?" Would we be less likely to involve ourselves in the shaping the cultural behavior of the masses? Would we be more involved with the shaping of individuals? I could be naive, but it seems to me that Jesus spent his time on teaching and developing the spiritual life of the people and not the changing of large governmental and social structures. The changes Jesus sought were not merely societal, but personal and eternal.
Changing societal behaviors has little to do with being a missionary or so it should. Missionaries introduce people to Jesus and hope they will accept and follow him. Missionaries that spend their time trying to change societal behavior will accomplish no eternal change. People do not merely need a better behavior, they need an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus-like behavior follows those who follow Jesus. Missionaries who show people mercy, grace, and acceptance will show people who Jesus is. The truth that we need Jesus will only be apparent to people who spend time with those who are like Him. Can we intervene to show mercy to those who are condemned and can we give opportunity (grace) to those who are undeserving? Jesus did, for all of us.
I always heard it somewhere: "If you can reach the heart of man you will reach his outward physical properties" or so paraphrased. The present state of this country is changing as many are going away from what was here when recently, a christian like goverment and the masses were abiding onward. Many are concerned but need to know this God fearing country happened when the hearts of men(man) were with God . We need to worry about the heart : like the relationship with God, for instance. When that is established, the rest will follow. TR
(That wasn't me! TR was here on our computer while we were gone...)
Hmmm, Jesus stood up in the Temple and called out some pretty radical things. I think he was definately trying to influence the established order. He taught in synagogues (as did Paul). I think he was catalyzing both societal and personal development.
It sounds like you're saying: If Jesus was born in a democracy, he wouldn't participate in government, and neither should we. I don't think the whole Body of Christ should take the role of itinerant preacher. Some will be journalists, participate in government, write books, etc.
A missionary is also a social role, and is mostly granted to those who are from somewhere else. Even Jesus had trouble going to his home town and seeminly posturing like an outsider. People didn't accept him as an outsider and he didn't get very far changing the individuals there. I think we will find the same thing if we try it.
Having said all that, the current culture wars are a dilemna and thinking like a missionary is a refreshing idea. It might help me decide what I should do.
thank you!
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