Pneumatikos Charisma
I believe in the spiritual gifts as stated in 1Corinthians 12 and that they are available to us today. The listed gifts (and there are others) are words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues (1Cor 12:8-10). The following verses (1Cor 12:12-30) then likens those so gifted as parts of a body. If this is so and you still do not believe in the present availability of these gifts, then I would ask (along with the author/pastor A.W. Tozer), "which body part does the Body of Christ not need?" The Apostle Paul defends them all, and sees each gift as necessary to the body.
I want to encourage all those reading this blog to earnestly desire these gifts (1Cor 12:31). The Apostle Paul states in 1Cor 12:6 that God works the varieties of effects (gifts) in all people and that these gifts are distributed to us as the Spirit wills (1Cor 12:11). These gifts are available to all of us, but we must believe. Without belief in them how are we going to have the faith to express them (Mat 21:21)?
In the original Greek language the gifts as explained in 1Cor 12 are pneumatikos charisma. This means spiritual grace gifts. So, the gifts are supplied through the Holy Spirit and are given freely (by grace). It becomes clear then that the gifts are by nature a product of grace. This is important because it shows the underlying importance in believing, walking, and growing in grace.
Jesus states "Freely you have received, freely give" (Mat 10:8). I translate it this way, freely you have been gifted, freely give the gifts. This is the nature of grace, free gifts which supply free opportunities for change. We did not earn these gifts and neither can those who receive them. To earn them or be required to earn them is unbelief in grace and the gift, and a hindrance to their manifestation.
The demonstration of the gifts requires then to believe in them and act on that belief (show faith). The faith required to believe in grace is actually the fruition (flower) of grace. Remember, faith is the manifestation of what you believe in your heart (Heb 11:1). As we grow in grace expect that fruit (spiritual gifts) will (super)naturally manifest as we act (show faith) on each opportunity (grace) that is given to us by the Holy Spirit. As Jesus said, "these signs shall accompany those who believe..." (Mark 16:17-18).
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