Adam's Dilemma
By request I've posted this poem that I wrote a few years back. I know this is weird, but I retain all rights to the poem in order that it can be used freely by all. With that said....
Little is said in the bible about why Adam chose to eat of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This is what I feel.
The fruit she held in her hand
Was disobedience to God's command
Everything we had shared
All between us was laid out, bare
Her hands said eat with me
Her eyes spoke see what I can see
In a moment I saw what she had done
Eaten the fruit of which we should have none
Forbidden it was for us to eat
Knowledge of death its only treat
To see good and evil with our eyes
Only for us then to die
In that instant, again, I was alone
With no one to call my own
Alone as I was when I first stood
Amidst the garden in the wood
Into my soul did memories pour
Of lonely echoes amongst the river's shore
Not all was good on that first day
So God had given me her by His way
Her loving eyes now shown with strange desire
The light in them glowed with a different fire
Her eyes burned into my soul
Till it was blackened like darkened coal
I could not stand again to be alone
She is the only life I want to own
In loneliness I could now look toward
To be separate in obedience was no reward
I will eat of the tree to be as Eve
We would be alike again her and me
The loneliness would not last
We would share as in the past
I took and ate of the fruit in her hand
I choose her not God’s plan
As my eyes opened wide
All I saw was a great divide
Instead of a companion for me
Only nakedness I could see
Fig leaves we sewed to cover our shame
But the leaves could not cover our pain
In the cool of the day I hid
When He called my name and bid
"Where are you Adam, is it good?"
Alone and afraid I was in the wood
Author: DFCutler
Yay! This is a beautiful poem. Thanks for posting it..I absolutely love it. In fact, I'm going to link this poem from my blog mwahahah..
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