Perfect Love, The Nature of God
Here are the notes on my second meeting.
Second Meeting
2. The Nature of God
In Revelation 4:1-8 the four living creatures cry day and night, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME.”
The opening question is this: How would you describe the word holy?
What is Holiness? Definition: Apart, sacred
Holiness- Leviticus 19:1-37
In Leviticus we see that God gives examples of “holy behavior.” He set down a pattern that the Israelites were to follow so they could be like Him in behavior. (Lev 19:2)
You could you say that being holy is a constant demonstration of love. (Lev 19:18)
Let's look at what Jesus taught about that portion of scripture.
What did Jesus say? (Matthew 22:37-39, Mark 12:28-34, John 13:5, 13:31-35)
God wants us to be more like Him (Lev 19:2). Since he wants our character to be one of giving love, what would you then deduce of God's character? God is love?
Would you describe God's love as perfect? Would you equate holiness with perfect love? Matthew 5:43-48
My definition of holiness is this: Holiness is the result of acting out of perfect love.
Question: How would you describe love?
Question: Is love relational? Of course it is! God is perfectly relational.
How does the bible describe love? 1Cor13
Question: Is love selfish?
Love gives: John 3:16
God's love is always about service to others, it is always eternally communal in its nature. His love is always about the expression of perfect love and never about His own selfish desires. Love does not seek its own (1Cor 13:5).
Question: Is love fair?
1Cor 13:6 - Justice and Love
Lev 19:1-37 - Different elements to justice
The word unrighteousness in 1Cor 13:6 can also be translated into the word injustice. How it is translated from the Greek is dependent on the translator (bible translation). In this verse we see that justice is a part of love. In Leviticus we see different elements of love/justice in concern to equity and mercy.
In closing we have looked at the nature of holiness and love and have found them to be describing the same expression. We have also seen that God's perfect love has the element of justice to it. In a future meeting we will see that this is an important facet to God's love, important enough to sacrifice His eternal son, Jesus.
In 1John 4:8 the Apostle John says “God is Love.” This explains every motive of God. We have to believe this if we are to trust Him and know Him. His love is the foundation of grace.
Prayer Time: Emphasis on the Love of God.
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